Weekly Newsletter, March 17, 2020

Dear 2nd Grade Parents,

Welcome to 2B home-based learning!  Please see below for a step-by-step video of our Google Classroom Daily Routine and how-to submit attachments to the Daily Checklist.  There has already been a wonderful presence online so far today.  Based on the comments, it seems like the students are excited and enjoying what has been planned so far!  Hooray!

Monday-Friday Office Hours: Morning (8:30-9:00 a.m.) and Afternoon (2:00-2:30 p.m.).  During these times, I will be available to answer questions via email or on the phone via text through the Remind App.  I will be using the SMM landline or Remind App to contact families via the phone.  Remind App Information: I have invited at least one parent for each student to join the 2B Remind Classroom App.  If you have not received an invite and would like to join, send a text to 81010 and write in the message @aborseth

Google Chats/ZOOM: I am planning to set-up a Google Chat or Zoom room for the class to meet.  Stay tuned for a time, link, and directions to do this.

Daily Routine Reminders:

  • Read the Daily Checklist document (located in the upper right-hand corner once you’ve clicked into the Daily Checklist for the day) this outlines the directions for the day and what is expected to be attached and “turned-in.”
  • Please make sure your child submits attachments of the daily work as requested.  Today’s attachments should be a front and back picture of the Subtract Two-Digit Numbers, p.335-336 math worksheet.  These can be attached to the Daily Checklist form.  Then your student should click “Turn-in” at the top right of the page.
  • The students will also do this when answering questions, riddles, or commenting in the Daily Attendance topic.
  • Daily Attendance and Daily Checklists will be due by 8:00 p.m. each day, my expectation is that students will sign-in for attendance between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. though.
  • Students are not to work ahead in their packets, please follow the checklist for each day.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Create a set of clear expectations for each day.  We call it a “Classroom Promise” in class.  Maybe make your own “School-at-home Promise” together.
  • Set and keep normal routines.  Mealtime, playtime, family time, and bedtime are important.  Try to keep regular schedules for going to bed and waking up.
  • Attempt schoolwork in the morning, students are at their best before lunch.
  • Create breaks within the work period.
  • Ms. B is also posting P.E. activities in our Google Classroom twice a week.
  • Limit screen time and set timers.
  • If you are sick, rest as you would on a regular school day.
  • Ask questions!  I am here to help and if I don’t know, I will discover someone who does know and get back to you. 😊
  • This is a great time for exploration, creating art projects, singing, dancing, doing puzzles, and enjoying time as a family.

Daily Routine/How-to Add Attachments Video


Published by

Melissa Morrier-Turk

My name is Melissa Morrier-Turk, I am a graduate of SMM (class of 1986) and have been a member of the parish community much of my life. I have a B.S. in Business with an emphasis in Human Resources from Central Washington University and have spent my 23 years working in this field, traveling all over the USA and Canada as an HR Director, as well as a corporate trainer. My husband Mike and I have two kids, our son is in college and our daughter is a Junior at AMHS. In my off time I enjoy running, cycling, hiking, anything outdoorsy really. I have absolutely loved working with and getting to know so many of the families here at SMM and am looking forward to getting to know you all better as part of your school community!