Dear 2nd Grade Parents,
Welcome to 2B home-based learning! Please see below for a step-by-step video of our Google Classroom Daily Routine and how-to submit attachments to the Daily Checklist. There has already been a wonderful presence online so far today. Based on the comments, it seems like the students are excited and enjoying what has been planned so far! Hooray!
Monday-Friday Office Hours: Morning (8:30-9:00 a.m.) and Afternoon (2:00-2:30 p.m.). During these times, I will be available to answer questions via email or on the phone via text through the Remind App. I will be using the SMM landline or Remind App to contact families via the phone. Remind App Information: I have invited at least one parent for each student to join the 2B Remind Classroom App. If you have not received an invite and would like to join, send a text to 81010 and write in the message @aborseth
Google Chats/ZOOM: I am planning to set-up a Google Chat or Zoom room for the class to meet. Stay tuned for a time, link, and directions to do this.
Daily Routine Reminders:
- Read the Daily Checklist document (located in the upper right-hand corner once you’ve clicked into the Daily Checklist for the day) this outlines the directions for the day and what is expected to be attached and “turned-in.”
- Please make sure your child submits attachments of the daily work as requested. Today’s attachments should be a front and back picture of the Subtract Two-Digit Numbers, p.335-336 math worksheet. These can be attached to the Daily Checklist form. Then your student should click “Turn-in” at the top right of the page.
- The students will also do this when answering questions, riddles, or commenting in the Daily Attendance topic.
- Daily Attendance and Daily Checklists will be due by 8:00 p.m. each day, my expectation is that students will sign-in for attendance between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. though.
- Students are not to work ahead in their packets, please follow the checklist for each day.
Tips and Tricks:
- Create a set of clear expectations for each day. We call it a “Classroom Promise” in class. Maybe make your own “School-at-home Promise” together.
- Set and keep normal routines. Mealtime, playtime, family time, and bedtime are important. Try to keep regular schedules for going to bed and waking up.
- Attempt schoolwork in the morning, students are at their best before lunch.
- Create breaks within the work period.
- Ms. B is also posting P.E. activities in our Google Classroom twice a week.
- Limit screen time and set timers.
- If you are sick, rest as you would on a regular school day.
- Ask questions! I am here to help and if I don’t know, I will discover someone who does know and get back to you. 😊
- This is a great time for exploration, creating art projects, singing, dancing, doing puzzles, and enjoying time as a family.
Daily Routine/How-to Add Attachments Video